Monday, January 4, 2010

Soup Kitchen charitable Event

"On Tuesday, December 22nd, eleven Romance authors got together to read original short stories on live radio to raise donations for the homeless and the hungry in Detroit, and to fund the Capuchin Soup Kitchen in Detroit. More authors volunteered than there was air time for on December 22nd, so on Tuesday January 5th, "The Ones That Got Away" will be read starting at TEN A.M. EASTERN.

Loretta Wheeler will read her story "DARK PLEASURES".
Pauline Baird Jones will read 'GETTING A CLUE"
Becke Martin has contributed "SILVER AND GOLD" which will be read as a play with various authors taking speaking parts.

The host is Rowena Cherry.


  1. Thank you, Lillian and PIVTR. I hope we raise lots of small donations for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen in Detroit ( )

    What a lovely variety of stories! I do hope our listeners enjoyed all of them. As host, I shouldn't pick favorites, but I'd love to know if our audience enjoyed "Silver and Gold" and would encourage us to read parts in future when we get a story with dialogue.

    "Crazy Tuesday" is honest-to-goodness, warts-and-all radio... unrehearsed, prone to imperfection, completely uncensored.

    We've had guests drop phones, ambulances roar by, workmen cut our lines... I did one show by candlelight during a powercut last winter!... husbands come home unexpectedly and shout at us, and sometimes, a host or a guest gets the giggles.

    Thanks to Lillian for putting up with us!

  2. Thanks to everyone - Loretta was perfect as Joey, Keri was perfect as Ginny, and Rowena -- the mind boggles. I had been thinking of Aiden with an accent, so you were amazing in that part.

    I'm so sorry I was late to the game. Technical difficulties at my end -- I couldn't find the sign in code. Two words: scroll down. Duh. I appreciate Keri Stevens' wonderful intro. I'd also like to thank her for reading Ginny's part -- she's a MUCH better actress than I am!

    I hope this helps raise some money for the soup kitchen -- it sounds like a great place!

    I also want to buy those anthologies with Loretta's and Pauline's stories. I couldn't focus on Loretta's because of my panic, so I'd like to read it now that I can relax. I liked what I heard of it but I was too busy freaking out when a UPS truck pulled up and I thought he was going to ring the bell. (He went next door.) And Pauline's story was great. Trying to resist the call to eclairs now.

    Whew!! Thanks to Lillian and PIVTR -- I signed up to follow, this is a fun place!

  3. Many thanks to Lillian and Rowena! Fun experience! Was so happy to support this great charity and got so flustered at the end (and the ticking clock) that I failed to mention my favorite charity: The Leukemia and Lymphoma Soceity ( We have a personal reason for supporting them, since my son's experience with lymphoma a couple of years ago. Thanks to many years of hard work, he benefited by the advances made and is considered cured.

    I am happy to find an immediate needs filling charity to support, as well, and I can't thank you enough for giving me a second chance to do my small bit for Capuchin Soup Kitchen.

    I also very much enjoyed the other stories and have managed to listen to some of the marathon stories as well. Good stuff!
    All the best,

  4. Pauline,
    I am very pleased to hear that your son has a great prognosis. One of my grandfathers had lymphoma, but was not so fortunate in his treatment... but then, that was twenty years ago.

    If you ever do anything for Lymphoma or Leukemia, I shall be happy to help in any way I can.

    Rowena Cherry

  5. Many thanks, Rowena! I'll keep that in mind. I know that 20 years ago, Lymphoma was a death sentence, so we are most grateful for the medical strides, believe me! Now the cure rate is loke 95%, so we are also fortunate.

    Pauline Baird Jones
