Han O'Connor, a freelance journalist presents her clients in the music business. Please turn on to hear her clients and their music. A very talented group!
The Redland (a duo based in Atlanta)
Mike Streezy (from Arkansas)
Me'Mo (from Nigeria)
Stylah (from the UK)
Interview begins at 5 p.m. eastern standard time.
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Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Fund Riaser for Haitian Animals
BENEFIT FOR THE ANIMALS OF HAITI SAT.JAN 23 8:30-10:30PM EST live stream www.internetvoicesradio.com
please share widely
FLASH SILVERMOON, Nationally Known Animal Communicator, Psychic, Musician and Host of PIVTR's "What the Animals Tell Me" will host the show.
BERNADETTE CARTER, Accomplished Psychic will delight and entertain. She and Flash are donating their time for the beloved animals.
For a $25 donation, Flash Silvermoon will do a 1 question 5min reading for you or your pet. For $25 Bernadette Carter will read for you.
JOY DRAWDY, Animal Activist, Veteran of the Katrina Dog Rescue, and owner of Earth Pets Organic Feed and Garden Shop will inform us about the plight of on the ground rescue
MELANIE PHILLPOT of Eager Pup Dog training and many Animal Loving People from the Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Movements will raise their voices to raise $$ specifically for Haiti's Animal Survivors.
Listeners can donate their monies through PayPal using this email address: LSaraCauldwell@gmail.com. Please write in Miscellaneous Box, the following phrase: Displaced or Abandoned Haitian Animal Rescue.
The donation amounts are as follows:
$15 - PIVTR, Inc. tee shirt (While supplies last or Free Promo/Marketing CD's)
$25 - "5" Minute 1 Question Reading
$35 - Set of 6 Note Cards with Picture of Your Favorite Animals (send jpgs to LSaraCauldwell@gmail.com)
$50 & Up - Bourbon Chocolate Chip Muffins (Baker's Dozen)
Of course you can just donate and all the $$ from Readings etc.will go to IFAW, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Best Friends,and WSPCA who have joined together to create ARCH for the immediate relief of Haitian Animals.$$$ will go directly to help the animals who as you can imagine are in worse distress than during the holocaust which was Katrina.
Program will be recorded while done live and posted on www.internetvoicesradio.com RSS/podcasts for sale and all Proceeds go to Haitian Animal Rescue
* The Wise Woman's Tarot - http://flashsilvermoon.com *
* What The Animals Tell me -
http://internetvoicesradio.com/Arch-FlashSilvermoon.htm *
please share widely
FLASH SILVERMOON, Nationally Known Animal Communicator, Psychic, Musician and Host of PIVTR's "What the Animals Tell Me" will host the show.
BERNADETTE CARTER, Accomplished Psychic will delight and entertain. She and Flash are donating their time for the beloved animals.
For a $25 donation, Flash Silvermoon will do a 1 question 5min reading for you or your pet. For $25 Bernadette Carter will read for you.
JOY DRAWDY, Animal Activist, Veteran of the Katrina Dog Rescue, and owner of Earth Pets Organic Feed and Garden Shop will inform us about the plight of on the ground rescue
MELANIE PHILLPOT of Eager Pup Dog training and many Animal Loving People from the Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Movements will raise their voices to raise $$ specifically for Haiti's Animal Survivors.
Listeners can donate their monies through PayPal using this email address: LSaraCauldwell@gmail.com. Please write in Miscellaneous Box, the following phrase: Displaced or Abandoned Haitian Animal Rescue.
The donation amounts are as follows:
$15 - PIVTR, Inc. tee shirt (While supplies last or Free Promo/Marketing CD's)
$25 - "5" Minute 1 Question Reading
$35 - Set of 6 Note Cards with Picture of Your Favorite Animals (send jpgs to LSaraCauldwell@gmail.com)
$50 & Up - Bourbon Chocolate Chip Muffins (Baker's Dozen)
Of course you can just donate and all the $$ from Readings etc.will go to IFAW, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Best Friends,and WSPCA who have joined together to create ARCH for the immediate relief of Haitian Animals.$$$ will go directly to help the animals who as you can imagine are in worse distress than during the holocaust which was Katrina.
Program will be recorded while done live and posted on www.internetvoicesradio.com RSS/podcasts for sale and all Proceeds go to Haitian Animal Rescue
* The Wise Woman's Tarot - http://flashsilvermoon.com *
* What The Animals Tell me -
http://internetvoicesradio.com/Arch-FlashSilvermoon.htm *
Monday, January 18, 2010
Grant Opportunity Grant Program
Employment Opportunities Grant Program
The goal of the Employment Opportunities Grant Program (EOGP) is to expand the number of individuals in historically underrepresented populations who enter and complete building trades apprenticeship programs and achieve journey-level status within building trades unions. These are careers that are physically and mentally demanding, but which offer wages and benefits on which a family can be supported.
The EOGP offers educational institutions and community based organizations an opportunity to help fill the demand for a skilled workforce by preparing participants for placement in high wage union construction jobs and access to public as well as private construction jobs throughout the State.
The Employment Opportunities Grant Program creates a stronger pipeline of trained workers who have the skill set to obtain and keep jobs in the construction trades. By opening these doors, we are increasing the diversity within this industry and preparing more people for careers in this vital field, which will help keep our workforce strong and competitive and provide better opportunities for our working families.
Program participants will be members of one or more historically underrepresented populations, which can include African-Americans, Hispanics, females, and African-American and Hispanic youth, including new high school graduates. The funded programs will not only help cultivate workplace and technical skills, but will also build career awareness and exploration, address basic reading and math preparation and provide mentoring, so that this sector of the workforce will be more diverse.
Deveda François
Program Manager
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
100 West Randolph, Suite 3-400
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 793-9702
Visit CHICAGO'S BLACK BUSINESS NETWORK at: http://chicagosblackbusinessnetwork.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
The goal of the Employment Opportunities Grant Program (EOGP) is to expand the number of individuals in historically underrepresented populations who enter and complete building trades apprenticeship programs and achieve journey-level status within building trades unions. These are careers that are physically and mentally demanding, but which offer wages and benefits on which a family can be supported.
The EOGP offers educational institutions and community based organizations an opportunity to help fill the demand for a skilled workforce by preparing participants for placement in high wage union construction jobs and access to public as well as private construction jobs throughout the State.
The Employment Opportunities Grant Program creates a stronger pipeline of trained workers who have the skill set to obtain and keep jobs in the construction trades. By opening these doors, we are increasing the diversity within this industry and preparing more people for careers in this vital field, which will help keep our workforce strong and competitive and provide better opportunities for our working families.
Program participants will be members of one or more historically underrepresented populations, which can include African-Americans, Hispanics, females, and African-American and Hispanic youth, including new high school graduates. The funded programs will not only help cultivate workplace and technical skills, but will also build career awareness and exploration, address basic reading and math preparation and provide mentoring, so that this sector of the workforce will be more diverse.
Deveda François
Program Manager
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
100 West Randolph, Suite 3-400
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 793-9702
Visit CHICAGO'S BLACK BUSINESS NETWORK at: http://chicagosblackbusinessnetwork.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Astro Cast with Flash Silvermoon
When even your most materialist friends call you up and say,"What is going on in those stars?", with panic in their voices, you know that there is an energetic shift that is reaching down to the inner most souls of the masses.
I am not saying that one should be in such a state of dread but it all reflects how well we deal with change.
I know, our president made the word CHANGE not only pleasurable but a battle cry to which we would all face the future. Be that as it may, most of us do not deal very well with change.
The difficult square between Saturn and Pluto has been holding us all in a kind of vice grip for months and February begins with an exact square between those two harsh planets.Good news though, this is softened a little as Jupiter begins its passage through Pisces. Saturn and Pluto also begin to separate as the month unfolds bringing much more ease and sense of freedom.
"So what does this mean for me?", you ask and rightly so! Bottom line, if you rally the courage to create the life that truly resonates with the core of who you are even if that is risky, there will be some buoyant universal push to help absorb the shock waves as you find a new world opening to you.
Speaking of shock waves, we may continue to have various earthquakes and eruptions around the world in seismic hot spots.This is in part Saturn and Pluto's nasty little wrestling match as Saturn is about structure and the earth and Pluto is about deep transformations from within.
You may have heard the old occult axiom AS ABOVE SO BELOW. This is also exactly what is manifesting in our political system and relationships as well.
If you have been seeking balance and honesty in your relationships then you are paving the way, no matter how difficult, for a really sound and nurturing bond that can provide a fulfilling structure for all.
If power struggles, denial and dishonesty prevail, then you will see the harsher sides of these aspects. The same is true in the political arena and it seems that daily some "solid citizen" is found with his pants down pandering to the very issues that he protests. Ah, Politriks..see how they run!
Nice to be out of Mercury Retrograde which gives us a fighting chance of real communication but Mars is still going backwards which is tending to make us all a bit growly as we continue to feel like we are driving with the brakes on if we can indeed drive at all.
The New Moon on Feb.13 in Aquarius is surrounded by a whole pile up of planets in Aquarius and Pisces. Jupiter is really softening Pluto now too so if you were waiting to exhale, this is your time and should also usher in a most luscious Feast of Aphrodite. Being a good Pagan, I like to celebrate my Holy Days for a week.
As some of you must know St Valentine was not such a groovy guy in fact he was kind of blood thirsty so if you are wanting to celebrate at this time , why not look to Aphrodite as she is much sweeter. If you prefer a Goddess of the African Diaspora, the Yoruba Orisha, Oshun would be your Lady.
I can see how this time will be rich in sensuous delights as well as feelings of deep soul connection. This could well be the time to connect with someone who really resonates with all of you. Somebody who you shares your most important beliefs will be in high demand as Venus and Jupiter dance the night away or perhaps take a mystical journey on a purple velvet magic carpet. Enjoy!!!
ARIES - I am an Aries, no doubt about that and as you all know, patience is NOT one of my virtues, although I have many. This retro Mars is starting to really piss me off, I mean we Aries do not play the waiting game. "The time is now and now is all we have" are not just words to me they are a way of life. I may bash my head as I run head long into everything but believe me I get a lot more out of life that way, at least I think so, but then maybe it is the only way that I know but you really wouldn't want me any other way, I am a lot of fun!
TAURUS - Being a good Taurus, I am well versed in the ways of Aphrodite and I look forward to this time every year when the Goddess of Love reigns supreme.Of course a Taurus would like this to be a way of life for every week of the year.Dark chocolate covered strawberries that drip their luscious fluid down my chin as I share one with my lover wrapped in red satin sheets.Soft lights, good music and a fine dinner and you really have my attention and believe me it is well worth having. If you want your own personal Love Goddess, you can come up and see me sometime.
GEMINI - Double your pleasure double your fun with a Gemini, that is if we can get on the same page at the same time. I really love it if we can talk. My brain is my most significant erogenous zone but I can really get into my body by giving and getting a good massage. Gemini hands are magic and have a mind of their own. I know how tension can make the body tighten up so I am all about lightening up.These days, I am so full of energy that I am constantly having to find hew ways to release tension. Let's talk about finding some good ways together.
CANCER - No self respecting Cancer likes to be too stirred up in the Cuisinart of change its so unsettling and especially if it involves my home or family. Don't bore me, I am more resilient than that but there is something so deeply relaxing about curling up in a cozy space that you know has everything that you could possibly need. With so much uncertainty these days any way that I can anchor myself feels pretty good. I am going to let you orbit me for awhile and maybe two can share this nest. It is the feast of Aphrodite you know.
LEO - You know you really want a Leo to warm you up on a cold winter night and I will dress to impress. Even with Mars retro in my sign, I have lots to offer. I know how to coax the spotlight just so it can frame my every move so if you are a shrinking violet or closet case you might want to find yourself a Virgo or someone who is not so high profile. By the way, I am not arrogant, I am just a Leo without a self esteem problem.If ya got it flaunt it. As the infamous Leo, Mae West, once said, "Those who are outraged too easily should be outraged more frequently."
VIRGO - Now Ms Leo, we Virgos do know how to have a good time, we just do it differently than you do and I might add, that we are much more refined in our approach. I don't lay my self across your bed, brass or otherwise. I am not easy but I am available if you know how to talk to me. Now that Saturn got off of my behind, I am a whole lot freer but I am still a bit of a perfectionist, no judgements but one has to maintain standards and mine are high. Sometimes I just get so tired of myself that I will throw caution to the wind and have no standards at all. That doesn't usually work too well.
LIBRA - Balance Virgo, balance, that's the key. We Libras have to have that or we just don't feel right. I get the Saturn thing though, what a damn wet blanket. Me, Libra, the social butterfly, feels like a lead balloon and I so want to meet my soul mate but how can I. I feel like I take everything so seriously now and I'd rather be at least able to make small talk but sometimes I find myself silent. Please do not think that I am morose and don't want to be social, I do , actually more than ever but it is really hard to get out of myself at times. Maybe a good political cause can make me feel both more alive and more congruent with my purpose. So many needing Equal Rights, I am sure a good struggle with DOMA will just set my Libran heart to twitter, and I don't mean the APP!
SCORPIO - "I said hey now sugar,take a walk on the wild side do do do do do do di do do." How often does the secretive Scorpio break into song? Just felt a need to flex my sexual magnetism because Libra and Virgo were just getting too heavy. I am with Taurus this month even though we are opposites but opposites attract and we do have the same agenda. Let me tell ya, I can be more demure than a Cancer, more sensual than a Taurus, more On It than an Aries, harder to get than a Virgo, and sexier than....well, no one is sexier than a Scorpio at the risk of sounding as humble as a Leo! Give me half a chance, and I will deny it all like a Pisces and slink back into the Scorpio shadows.
SAGITTARIUS - I have to hand it to ya Scorpio, once you get going, look out! My fantasies are taking on a more lofty nature but a good physical romp especially in some exotic place or at least some exotic restaurant would be just the ticket. As a matter of fact, there is nothing more romantic to me than having to venture out to find my heart's desire.
After all, she can't just be around the corner, we Sagittarians need a quest! The Holy Grail would be interesting but perhaps too over the top even for me. Jupiter, my ruler, does like to do it in a Big Way so while Mars is still retro, I will ponder and dream.
CAPRICORN - Good thing you have a Capricorn around . We don;t dream and ponder, we DO. Look at the crapper that Pluto in Sagittarius left us over the last dozen or so years and you will see why we had to get down to business when it shifted to Capricorn last January. I firmly believe that you can't just dream, you have to be able to make those dreams and ideas manifest on the earth or it ain't worth squat. Do I sound bitter? Nah its just that I have that little Demi god Pluto riding me and I frankly have never felt quite so driven. Kind of makes me feel like if I don't do it, no one will.
AQUARIUS - Goodbye Jupiter, it was grand but honestly I have so many other Aquarian planets on my dance card that it will actually be a relief to have one less. Go give Pisces all your kozmic goodies. What with Siamese twins Neptune and Chiron making everything fuzzy while vying for my attention and the Sun,Venus, and even Mercury trying to dazzle me with their favors, I am a bit overwhelmed by it all. This quirky Aquarius doesn't know which delicacy to sample first on my inter-planetary smorgasbord. Like Gemini, if you want to get into my bed, you had better intrigue and seduce my mind. You wanted to know the way in? That's the way, OK.
PISCES - Are you kidding you freaky Aquarian, I would love to cope with Jupiter's gifts that reach all the way out to other Universes, not that I mind this one. With Uranus zapping me every other minute with her electric stun gun, a wave of good fortune will suit me just fine. I have been so worried about all the charities that I want to support. I want to help the people AND the animals in Haiti and get Food stamps for horses and more meat for Tigers and, and, and, with a budget that only takes care of me and mine, my larger visions have had to take a back seat but sweet Jupiter, you can be my sugar daddy and fill my coffers.
Just so you don't think that I am a total Material Girl, this Pisces is totally jazzed about the possibility of meeting my soul mate as the Feast of Aphrodite approaches. Where's my red candle!
In case you haven’t noticed, this is not your Mama’s Astrological report. I deliberately let the signs talk right to you, giving them a voice that really tells it like it is!
I have endeavored to make it more gender neutral to speak to all sexual preferences and identities.
If you know your Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign.
For deeper questions and readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, feel free to call 352 4752432 for an apt.or contact me through my website www.Flashsilvermoon.com
WHAT THE ANIMALS TELL ME w/Flash Silvermoon -Nationally known Animal Communicator and Psychic
every Wed 8:30-9PM EST www.Internetvoicesradio.com call ins encouraged 1507 7264217 plus 100363# new phone number
Next session of Moonhaven Mystery School for Women Mon. Feb 15 - Mar.8, 4 consecutive Mon evenings 7-9:30 PM only $62 for the 4 sessions.
Intermediate Level Psychic Development and Empowerment,Women's Magic and Ritual, Stone healing, Past Life Regression and much much more @ Moonhaven in Melrose call for directions and to reserve your space 352 4752432
Psychic Development Classes for Women @ Wild Iris Books with FLASH SILVERMOON
cost TBA @ Wild Iris Books 352 3757477
THURSDAY NIGHTS Feb 11 - Mar. 11 7-9pm.. 5 weeks
Wise Woman's Tarot, Psychometry, Crystal Healing and much much more in a warm and supportive circle of women.Full schedule for classes available @ Wild Iris Books
* The Wise Woman's Tarot - http://flashsilvermoon.com *
* What The Animals Tell me -
http://internetvoicesradio.com/Arch-FlashSilvermoon.htm *
When even your most materialist friends call you up and say,"What is going on in those stars?", with panic in their voices, you know that there is an energetic shift that is reaching down to the inner most souls of the masses.
I am not saying that one should be in such a state of dread but it all reflects how well we deal with change.
I know, our president made the word CHANGE not only pleasurable but a battle cry to which we would all face the future. Be that as it may, most of us do not deal very well with change.
The difficult square between Saturn and Pluto has been holding us all in a kind of vice grip for months and February begins with an exact square between those two harsh planets.Good news though, this is softened a little as Jupiter begins its passage through Pisces. Saturn and Pluto also begin to separate as the month unfolds bringing much more ease and sense of freedom.
"So what does this mean for me?", you ask and rightly so! Bottom line, if you rally the courage to create the life that truly resonates with the core of who you are even if that is risky, there will be some buoyant universal push to help absorb the shock waves as you find a new world opening to you.
Speaking of shock waves, we may continue to have various earthquakes and eruptions around the world in seismic hot spots.This is in part Saturn and Pluto's nasty little wrestling match as Saturn is about structure and the earth and Pluto is about deep transformations from within.
You may have heard the old occult axiom AS ABOVE SO BELOW. This is also exactly what is manifesting in our political system and relationships as well.
If you have been seeking balance and honesty in your relationships then you are paving the way, no matter how difficult, for a really sound and nurturing bond that can provide a fulfilling structure for all.
If power struggles, denial and dishonesty prevail, then you will see the harsher sides of these aspects. The same is true in the political arena and it seems that daily some "solid citizen" is found with his pants down pandering to the very issues that he protests. Ah, Politriks..see how they run!
Nice to be out of Mercury Retrograde which gives us a fighting chance of real communication but Mars is still going backwards which is tending to make us all a bit growly as we continue to feel like we are driving with the brakes on if we can indeed drive at all.
The New Moon on Feb.13 in Aquarius is surrounded by a whole pile up of planets in Aquarius and Pisces. Jupiter is really softening Pluto now too so if you were waiting to exhale, this is your time and should also usher in a most luscious Feast of Aphrodite. Being a good Pagan, I like to celebrate my Holy Days for a week.
As some of you must know St Valentine was not such a groovy guy in fact he was kind of blood thirsty so if you are wanting to celebrate at this time , why not look to Aphrodite as she is much sweeter. If you prefer a Goddess of the African Diaspora, the Yoruba Orisha, Oshun would be your Lady.
I can see how this time will be rich in sensuous delights as well as feelings of deep soul connection. This could well be the time to connect with someone who really resonates with all of you. Somebody who you shares your most important beliefs will be in high demand as Venus and Jupiter dance the night away or perhaps take a mystical journey on a purple velvet magic carpet. Enjoy!!!
ARIES - I am an Aries, no doubt about that and as you all know, patience is NOT one of my virtues, although I have many. This retro Mars is starting to really piss me off, I mean we Aries do not play the waiting game. "The time is now and now is all we have" are not just words to me they are a way of life. I may bash my head as I run head long into everything but believe me I get a lot more out of life that way, at least I think so, but then maybe it is the only way that I know but you really wouldn't want me any other way, I am a lot of fun!
TAURUS - Being a good Taurus, I am well versed in the ways of Aphrodite and I look forward to this time every year when the Goddess of Love reigns supreme.Of course a Taurus would like this to be a way of life for every week of the year.Dark chocolate covered strawberries that drip their luscious fluid down my chin as I share one with my lover wrapped in red satin sheets.Soft lights, good music and a fine dinner and you really have my attention and believe me it is well worth having. If you want your own personal Love Goddess, you can come up and see me sometime.
GEMINI - Double your pleasure double your fun with a Gemini, that is if we can get on the same page at the same time. I really love it if we can talk. My brain is my most significant erogenous zone but I can really get into my body by giving and getting a good massage. Gemini hands are magic and have a mind of their own. I know how tension can make the body tighten up so I am all about lightening up.These days, I am so full of energy that I am constantly having to find hew ways to release tension. Let's talk about finding some good ways together.
CANCER - No self respecting Cancer likes to be too stirred up in the Cuisinart of change its so unsettling and especially if it involves my home or family. Don't bore me, I am more resilient than that but there is something so deeply relaxing about curling up in a cozy space that you know has everything that you could possibly need. With so much uncertainty these days any way that I can anchor myself feels pretty good. I am going to let you orbit me for awhile and maybe two can share this nest. It is the feast of Aphrodite you know.
LEO - You know you really want a Leo to warm you up on a cold winter night and I will dress to impress. Even with Mars retro in my sign, I have lots to offer. I know how to coax the spotlight just so it can frame my every move so if you are a shrinking violet or closet case you might want to find yourself a Virgo or someone who is not so high profile. By the way, I am not arrogant, I am just a Leo without a self esteem problem.If ya got it flaunt it. As the infamous Leo, Mae West, once said, "Those who are outraged too easily should be outraged more frequently."
VIRGO - Now Ms Leo, we Virgos do know how to have a good time, we just do it differently than you do and I might add, that we are much more refined in our approach. I don't lay my self across your bed, brass or otherwise. I am not easy but I am available if you know how to talk to me. Now that Saturn got off of my behind, I am a whole lot freer but I am still a bit of a perfectionist, no judgements but one has to maintain standards and mine are high. Sometimes I just get so tired of myself that I will throw caution to the wind and have no standards at all. That doesn't usually work too well.
LIBRA - Balance Virgo, balance, that's the key. We Libras have to have that or we just don't feel right. I get the Saturn thing though, what a damn wet blanket. Me, Libra, the social butterfly, feels like a lead balloon and I so want to meet my soul mate but how can I. I feel like I take everything so seriously now and I'd rather be at least able to make small talk but sometimes I find myself silent. Please do not think that I am morose and don't want to be social, I do , actually more than ever but it is really hard to get out of myself at times. Maybe a good political cause can make me feel both more alive and more congruent with my purpose. So many needing Equal Rights, I am sure a good struggle with DOMA will just set my Libran heart to twitter, and I don't mean the APP!
SCORPIO - "I said hey now sugar,take a walk on the wild side do do do do do do di do do." How often does the secretive Scorpio break into song? Just felt a need to flex my sexual magnetism because Libra and Virgo were just getting too heavy. I am with Taurus this month even though we are opposites but opposites attract and we do have the same agenda. Let me tell ya, I can be more demure than a Cancer, more sensual than a Taurus, more On It than an Aries, harder to get than a Virgo, and sexier than....well, no one is sexier than a Scorpio at the risk of sounding as humble as a Leo! Give me half a chance, and I will deny it all like a Pisces and slink back into the Scorpio shadows.
SAGITTARIUS - I have to hand it to ya Scorpio, once you get going, look out! My fantasies are taking on a more lofty nature but a good physical romp especially in some exotic place or at least some exotic restaurant would be just the ticket. As a matter of fact, there is nothing more romantic to me than having to venture out to find my heart's desire.
After all, she can't just be around the corner, we Sagittarians need a quest! The Holy Grail would be interesting but perhaps too over the top even for me. Jupiter, my ruler, does like to do it in a Big Way so while Mars is still retro, I will ponder and dream.
CAPRICORN - Good thing you have a Capricorn around . We don;t dream and ponder, we DO. Look at the crapper that Pluto in Sagittarius left us over the last dozen or so years and you will see why we had to get down to business when it shifted to Capricorn last January. I firmly believe that you can't just dream, you have to be able to make those dreams and ideas manifest on the earth or it ain't worth squat. Do I sound bitter? Nah its just that I have that little Demi god Pluto riding me and I frankly have never felt quite so driven. Kind of makes me feel like if I don't do it, no one will.
AQUARIUS - Goodbye Jupiter, it was grand but honestly I have so many other Aquarian planets on my dance card that it will actually be a relief to have one less. Go give Pisces all your kozmic goodies. What with Siamese twins Neptune and Chiron making everything fuzzy while vying for my attention and the Sun,Venus, and even Mercury trying to dazzle me with their favors, I am a bit overwhelmed by it all. This quirky Aquarius doesn't know which delicacy to sample first on my inter-planetary smorgasbord. Like Gemini, if you want to get into my bed, you had better intrigue and seduce my mind. You wanted to know the way in? That's the way, OK.
PISCES - Are you kidding you freaky Aquarian, I would love to cope with Jupiter's gifts that reach all the way out to other Universes, not that I mind this one. With Uranus zapping me every other minute with her electric stun gun, a wave of good fortune will suit me just fine. I have been so worried about all the charities that I want to support. I want to help the people AND the animals in Haiti and get Food stamps for horses and more meat for Tigers and, and, and, with a budget that only takes care of me and mine, my larger visions have had to take a back seat but sweet Jupiter, you can be my sugar daddy and fill my coffers.
Just so you don't think that I am a total Material Girl, this Pisces is totally jazzed about the possibility of meeting my soul mate as the Feast of Aphrodite approaches. Where's my red candle!
In case you haven’t noticed, this is not your Mama’s Astrological report. I deliberately let the signs talk right to you, giving them a voice that really tells it like it is!
I have endeavored to make it more gender neutral to speak to all sexual preferences and identities.
If you know your Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign.
For deeper questions and readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, feel free to call 352 4752432 for an apt.or contact me through my website www.Flashsilvermoon.com
WHAT THE ANIMALS TELL ME w/Flash Silvermoon -Nationally known Animal Communicator and Psychic
every Wed 8:30-9PM EST www.Internetvoicesradio.com call ins encouraged 1507 7264217 plus 100363# new phone number
Next session of Moonhaven Mystery School for Women Mon. Feb 15 - Mar.8, 4 consecutive Mon evenings 7-9:30 PM only $62 for the 4 sessions.
Intermediate Level Psychic Development and Empowerment,Women's Magic and Ritual, Stone healing, Past Life Regression and much much more @ Moonhaven in Melrose call for directions and to reserve your space 352 4752432
Psychic Development Classes for Women @ Wild Iris Books with FLASH SILVERMOON
cost TBA @ Wild Iris Books 352 3757477
THURSDAY NIGHTS Feb 11 - Mar. 11 7-9pm.. 5 weeks
Wise Woman's Tarot, Psychometry, Crystal Healing and much much more in a warm and supportive circle of women.Full schedule for classes available @ Wild Iris Books
* The Wise Woman's Tarot - http://flashsilvermoon.com *
* What The Animals Tell me -
http://internetvoicesradio.com/Arch-FlashSilvermoon.htm *
Friday, January 8, 2010
Something to Think About Re: Facebook
Dear friends,
Here's a link to a feature by Sam Martino, news editor of Out in Jersey, about the faceless minions of FaceBook banning me from ever advertising my book The Manly Art of Seduction on its pages, after the book was accepted for advertising, and the ad ran for a week. The whole story is here, but it does not go into how FaceBook has also banned advertising from numerous other gay business, while at the same time allowing ads for other things that curl the pages—foot fetishists, massage services, etc.
I think it is an interesting story, and one we should pay attention to, because as print venues die, social networking sites have taken on a power hard to fathom: FaceBook now reaches 100 million people.
That is a lot of people to withhold information from.
Perry Brass
through Smashwords
Also on FaceBook & Twitter
& now workshops:
author of the new book
The Manly Art of Seduction How to Meet, Talk To, and Become Intimate With Anyone.
Here's a link to a feature by Sam Martino, news editor of Out in Jersey, about the faceless minions of FaceBook banning me from ever advertising my book The Manly Art of Seduction on its pages, after the book was accepted for advertising, and the ad ran for a week. The whole story is here, but it does not go into how FaceBook has also banned advertising from numerous other gay business, while at the same time allowing ads for other things that curl the pages—foot fetishists, massage services, etc.
I think it is an interesting story, and one we should pay attention to, because as print venues die, social networking sites have taken on a power hard to fathom: FaceBook now reaches 100 million people.
That is a lot of people to withhold information from.
Perry Brass
through Smashwords
Also on FaceBook & Twitter
& now workshops:
author of the new book
The Manly Art of Seduction How to Meet, Talk To, and Become Intimate With Anyone.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
U. S. Census Bureau
The U. S. Census Bureau is now hiring nationwide for the 2010 Census. These temporary, part-time jobs offer good pay, flexible evening and weekend hours up to 40hours per week, and the chance to work near home.
Workers are needed in almost every community. Call 1-866-861-2010 or visit
www.twenty-tencensusjobs.gov to learn more.
Workers are needed in almost every community. Call 1-866-861-2010 or visit
www.twenty-tencensusjobs.gov to learn more.
full time,
Monday, January 4, 2010
Soup Kitchen charitable Event
"On Tuesday, December 22nd, eleven Romance authors got together to read original short stories on live radio to raise donations for the homeless and the hungry in Detroit, and to fund the Capuchin Soup Kitchen in Detroit. More authors volunteered than there was air time for on December 22nd, so on Tuesday January 5th, "The Ones That Got Away" will be read starting at TEN A.M. EASTERN.
Loretta Wheeler will read her story "DARK PLEASURES".
Pauline Baird Jones will read 'GETTING A CLUE"
Becke Martin has contributed "SILVER AND GOLD" which will be read as a play with various authors taking speaking parts.
The host is Rowena Cherry.
Loretta Wheeler will read her story "DARK PLEASURES".
Pauline Baird Jones will read 'GETTING A CLUE"
Becke Martin has contributed "SILVER AND GOLD" which will be read as a play with various authors taking speaking parts.
The host is Rowena Cherry.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Audio of The Anna Mae Mysteries-The Golden Treasure
First Chapter read by L. S. Cauldwell
Feedback welcomed!
Feedback welcomed!
crime fiction,
junior high,
young adult
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