Saturday, October 17, 2009

Astro-Cast with Flash Silvermoon

"....and it's got to pick up every stitch..must be the season of the witch!? Nothing stranger than our weather as the South is still hot and the North had its first snow!
I always find that as November unfolds, some of the chaos and challenges of October seem to resolve themselves however, this November will bring in a whole new set of challenges.
Saturn the 3 ringed planet that is the task master and teacher, the planet of focus, rules, contraction, obstruction as well as longevity will shift from the earthy Mercury ruled-sign of Virgo to the Venus ruled sign of Libra. Whenever these distant planets shift signs, you can bet that the world and your lives will manifest signatures of such shifts as well. We will retro back to Virgo on April 8 til July 22 which will probably see the final version of Health Care Reform pass into law.
With the Sun in Scorpio for the first part of the month, some of these energies may feel hidden at first but for sure they will be simmering in hot water by the time Sagittarius rolls around.
Saturn in Libra, the sign of relationships, will surely bring the issues of Gay Marriage as well as Equal Rights front and center at long last. Saturn is the Law, and Libra is Equality so I think this will be the time when Equality for All could become the Law of the land. One would have thought that this was our birthright. There can be a global feeling and need for all to GET ALONG.
Libra is the sign of the Peacemaker and hopefully we will actually see our Nobel Peace Prize winning Prez get us out of some wars and enable us to work with a peacetime economy.Whether it be the relationships of countries or the relationships between people, we will all be seeing what will and what will no longer work for us. Yes Libra is the Peacemaker yet more wars are fought under Libran aspects because most issues revolve around fairness and equality. You know if you have always let her decide on the movies and restaurants or better still the terms of the relationship itself, this may be the time when that lack of fairness begins to wear thin and a new regime will begin or the relationship could be in big trouble. Sometimes Librans can be fence sitters because they really want everyone to like them and when treaties and relationships are bound together by needs and truths that are silenced, sooner or later that dam will burst and problems that seem "Out of the Blue" arise.
In the outer world, we could well see treaties between various countries come apart. In short the rules of the game are changing and relationships will either attain some balance or they will end! This theme will be manifesting more and less through the next couple of years as Saturn makes its way through lovely Libra so this is just the beginning of this topic and we will discuss this theme more fully in future columns.
Let us not forget the beautiful Full Moon in solid Taurus on Nov. 2 which could be a very stabilizing influence. I find this to be the best Full Moon for a Prosperity Ritual. I will be doing one here and you can see a full description of this ritual on my BLOG Flashes of Insight on my website
I would have to say that this will be good prep for the Holiday Season because on Nov 15 til the end of the month, Saturn and Pluto will square each other and those two planets together in hard aspect can mean harder times for the world. It can tend to create a situation where our survival issues are threatened. Keep your ears to the ground on that one. I don't like to be a gloom and doomer as it only serves to inflate the fear mongering that is used to scare us into settling for fabricated desperate solutions. I prefer hope and evolving consciousness which supports working together to create good and sustainable solutions. We could also see more sharing of power and resources as this will be a path of enlightened self interest.With Jupiter still nestled close to Neptune and Chiron alternative solutions for healing and energy are not only possible but necessary as these aspects can also bring trouble with toxins and disease.Everything that we need to heal ourselves can be found in nature somewhere so it is important for us to make that effort and not just"drink the koolaid" of the AMA who sit with needles poised to maybe heal what they probably created!! Oops did I say that??
Ah my Pluto transit is loosening my lips ever more to their radical edge where I am most comfortable living. Funny I must be picking up the style of Sagittarius as I move to the later days of the month. Sagittarians will boldly go where angels may fear to tread and often say things that a wise Scorpio would just keep to themselves.
All and all a fascinating month ahead with many opportunities for growth and elevation. Shed the fears, find your smoothest road and see it opening wide before you with all of your wildest dreams fulfilled!
ARIES - Seems like a whole lot of shakin' will be going on. Hope its not the EARTH? Don't get me wrong, I love live action as long as my feet have something solid underneath. I don't know about any of you other signs but I am feeling like making a big fire. Seems like a lot of good things can happen around a fire.
TAURUS - I love my Full Moon. It's my favorite time of the year when it's just cool enough to really want to cuddle up with something warm and delicious. You know, like me . Good food, good woman, and something sensual in the tune department. Set the mood for the time of your life.
GEMINI - I am finally feeling like I can slow down enough to read the pile of books that are towering over my bed at this point. What to do? Long conversations, hours of reading, meeting new friends, posting on FB, or should I Twitter? OK so what if I am an information junkie at times, I am cute and so interesting. Where would networking be without people like me anyway.
CANCER - Any good excuse to nest works for me and I am ready. Hard to get too comfortable though feeling all the shifts in the Universe. I mean the world for me is like a gigantic full wave water bed. Something moves in Nepal and I feel it in my left foot. Joy breaks out as a well needed rain heals the draught in Texas and I feel it.So, I work on my own environment making it as peaceful as possible.
LEO - Oh Cancer you call me a drama queen! Honey you put me to shame. I just know all will be well wherever I am and that's all there is to it. When you radiate, it makes it really hard to absorb any one's crap. Try it you may find a whole new experience. Works for me anyway and comes so naturally.Let the Sunshine In.
VIRGO - OMG!! Is Saturn really going to take its 3 ringed hoof off of my neck for 6 months? I'll take it. What a relief! I mean I have gotten used to a certain level of frustration and restriction. Some of it really has been useful but hell i am so ready to feel free, to bust my world wide open and take that leap of faith that i have been contemplating for the last 2 years.
LIBRA - Gulp! I guess it's my turn to toe the line. Hopefully this new dance with Saturn will not make me even less decisive. I do want a real relationship with integrity first with myself and then with another. In the meantime, perhaps Saturn will help me shape my creative bursts and not stifle them.
SCORPIO - Why talk so much about it, just do it, feel it and let your essence emanate from your pores. Draw people in so that they see the real you, don't give it to them all at once, who can handle all that? That's the way I do it. If you don't know what to say, just sit there and look mysterious and brooding. Works every time and adds to your intense persona. Muy caliente'
SAGITTARIUS - Shaking the remnants of Pluto's backtrack off of my wings. Thought I was done with that driven feeling but I guess there was a little bit left to kick loose. The cosmos are calling and a quick ride on my magic carpet would be the perfect solution to soaring air fares. I need the exotic and perchance the erotic to soothe my weary soul.
CAPRICORN - Thanks Saggie so glad to have old Pluto kicking me from the underworld once again. I know there are some deeper aspects of myself that I need to explore in order to let go of my baggage and Yes, I will feel much better as that is accomplished but you can't fault me for not wanting to go there just yet. Any chance I can book a seat with you Sag on that carpet of yours.
AQUARIUS - My menage e trois with Jupiter,Neptune and Chiron seems to be lasting all year. Granted it gets stronger and weaker and some days I feel as inflated as Jupiter, full of positive intentions only to feel them dissolve in a few days when Neptune has her way with me calling me like a siren to her undersea reams. After that I am dazed and confused and just when I think this will drive me bonkers, Chiron shines its healing light and i am flooded with wisdom but geez, what a process.
PISCES - I feel for ya my Uranian sister, but then I feel for everybody and everything and since Uranus has been in my sign lo these many years,I never know just what feeling is going to come flying out of the ethers to throw me headlong into a new direction. Since I have had 26 degrees of this wild ride already, I have become adept at free style body surfing the white water but it can be hell on the physical body I can tell you that!
In case you haven’t noticed, this is not your Mama’s Astrological report. I deliberately let the signs talk right to you, giving them a voice that really tells it like it is!I have endeavored to make it more gender neutral to speak to all sexual preferences and identities. If you know your Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign.
For deeper questions and readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, feel free to call for an apt. through my website BLESSINGS FLASH SILVERMOON
* The Wise Woman's Tarot - ** What The Animals Tell me - *

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